Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ok. Shut the fuck up.


Way to take non-partisanship and shove it the country's ass. Thanks.

Of course we're spending money. Our country needs people to spend money. And because the whole of America is scared shitless, most people aren't going to spend all that money they would save on their taxes, just like they didn't spend the money they got from Bush's stimulus bill. By putting money into renewing roads and things we're making new jobs for the around 14% of adult America that is either unemployed or part-time looking for full-time positions. And giving money to companies and things is now a more sure thing than giving it to consumers now a days.

And STOP bitching about pork. Like you've never stuck a little something-something into an appropriation's bill. hmmm? That's basically the same thing. I don't like pork either, but just stop complaining about it. please? I also don't understand how you can support a war that drowned us in debut which, originally, had very little to do with American security (damn you Woodrow Wilson) and then so strongly oppose using other money we don't have to help bring America out of a economic hole. Which might potentially help the wolrd too, since we're the ones that brought them down in the first place. So let's unite as a nation and ruin our credit score together for ourselves.


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